My order number -1006201210484

Location/place: Pinjore (panchkula)

Name of company/service: Vt online shop (vt group)

I have puchased an air conditioner from Ihave paid 18590 rs by credit card .my payment is done by tech process solutions mumbai.My tarnsaction id is 43379155

Now vtonline numbers are not working ,i m doing the mals but no reply is coming from their side.I have purchased on 10th june 2012 ,today is 20th june.their is no information of my money.I have tried every thing.

Please do help us . I also have invoice they sent us as we have done payment.They also have an educational institute vteducations their number is 09941910444 ,this phone is working lady s saying i cannot give the number of md of vt groups.the another landline number is 044-64608555.they all are from same vt group but nobody is agree to help us


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