Mobile Phone not attended under Warranty

Location/place: New Delhi

Name of company/service: NOKIA

Respected Sir,
I have purchased a NOKIA mobile phone vide cash memo no. 1695 dated 02.10.2011 from Planet M Jail Road Tilak Nagar New Delhi. The whole device was under warranty for a period of one year. On 16.07.2012 the device has suddenly stop working. The same was shown to the NOKIA CARE center at Tilak Nagar Delhi for its repair as the device is under warranty but the same was not repaired by the company and returned without repair. The company has also ask to pay an amount of Rs. 1800.00 for its repair charges. I have also complaint the same to the NOKIA vide Service request number 1-13017158701. But all in vain. They have also finally denied for its repair vide their mail dated 31.07.2012. The Detail of the Device are as under:-

Nokia Mobile Phone Model X3-02
Bill no. 1695 dated 02.10.2011
Planet M.
The phone IMEI No. is 358648042378475


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