Dear Sir,
I have not received my postal item even after 3 months.
It is sent from US through US postal service. I’m still wondering where it was held up.
In this process, when I tried to called FPO, Postal Appraising Section, there is no support in this regard.
Also there is no notice to me at all if this item is kept ON HOLD somewhere if needed any information from my side.
Tracking number & link.
Tracking Number: LJ934002172US
The destination is Hyderabad.
Or if it is stuck up, where is it stuck? How can I know the reason for Holding it? How can I get this delivered to me?
As it is not received even after 3 months, I would like to lodge a complaint in this regard.
This is very serious concern from India Post VERY VERY POOR services.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Mobile: +(91) 789 316 9448
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