Misleading web booking of seats in Inox movies for making full house

Location/place: Vadodara

While booking movie tickets of Inox through m.inoxmovies.com it does not give option of selecting seats, instead it selects the seats automatically and only asks if change is required for selected seats in the next screen.

This option is not predominant and it is very likely that one skips it considering that seat options will come in the next screens, and pay for the tickets.

After payment one only gets automatically booked seats.

When one makes plan with family, he finally gets shock that his all seats may not be together.

This leads to the sense of getting cheated and also embarrassment in the hall.

While this was taken up with Mr. Vishal GM of Inox at Baroda, he was rude to snub that Web booking does not have any problems and refused to entertain the complaint.

Incidence date : 14th April 2012
Place: Inox, Vadodara
Movie: Housefull 2
Show time: 22.00 Hrs
Screen : 3
Automatic booked seats : F:30, G:24, H:24

This has caused me a lot of frustration so this complaint.

I look forward for immediate correction on this web booking and suitable compensation for this harrasment.

Screen dumps are also available if required as evidence.


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