Microwave not delivered 38SRC1(order no. 276721)

Location/place: Bijnor

Name of company/service: IFB

Dear Team,

I booked a Microwave 38SRC1(order no. 276721) and promised date of delivery was before 8th july but delivery is very far away no one from IFB has bothered to give a call on given n.
I was ready to buy from retailer but that particular model was not available so I made a mistake of booking it online.I thought IFB is a brand name and they will deliver as promised but the co. seems to be so big that it don’t even find imp. to call back customer .I also send a complaint on their website and also wrote feedback but I co. has just made these options just for showing purpose as no one even replied after my feedback.

So please show your role in this as I had already wasted my 15 days in waiting for the order but yet not delivered and if co. cant deliver on time why they maintain websites.

Now also if IFB has got some value for small customer please dispatch the same or at least refuse that you cant send a microwave as there are various other cos.


One response to “Microwave not delivered 38SRC1(order no. 276721)”

  1. Vaibhav Avatar

    Does consumer forum cant play ant role in this? As iFB does not seem to show any interest in this as they already had lots of customers.

    Is their any possibility that IFB cna be penalised for this as IFB not only delayed but it does not seem to show any interest inspite of promising delivery ?

    Please tell me all the possibilities.

    Will be waiting for any reply.

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