Malpractices At BSNL

Location/place: ajmer

Name of company/service: bsnl

With due regards this is to bring to your kind notice that some
Malpractices are going on at BSNL Ajmer. Last year in March 2012 i was
in need of an internet connection therefore i visited BSNL website and
placed a query regarding new internet connection, than after 2 days a
person named Ramesh Chawla came to me an introduced him as a franchise
of BSNL i was surprised because i was expecting some bsnl direct sales
person because when i directly contact to BSNL than how this lead
leaked to this franchise i don’t know what were the deal between bsnl
employees and franchise.Anyways He came to me and discuss some internet
plans and i opt for a plan of Rs.750/month. He told me for using this
internet connection you have to purchase an EVDO of Rs.1200/- i said OK
and give him Rs.1200/- and my formalities he told me that he is not
having Application Form with him that day and will come tommorow and
get that application form signed i said ok. Next day (7 March)he came
to me with an EVDO and an activated chip (9194104506), when i askd him
that without my sign how the chip is activated(9194104506) than he told
me that he signed himself my application form.

Than i lodge a complaint of this person to BSNL local office and Nodal
office as well but instead of taking some serious action against him
they are Protecting him as if nothing happens again i shocked that a
department like BSNL is protecting a person who did FORGE Siganature of
a customer and got issued a connection on behalf of me. I Escalate this
issue to CMD than Local BSNL came in action and MR. Jain & Mr. Chabra
talked to me than i told them whole issue and still they are protecting
him and asking me to surrender that connection and they assure me that
there will be no dues towards this connection as i did not applied that
connection. And after request of both person i surrneder that
connection on 14 march ,and they assured me that they will take some
action against him. One person from BSNL came to me and returned that
1200/- in cash, than also i surprised that how can they return my
amount in cash because if the said amount is deposited to bsnl than it
can only withdraw by account payee cheque. than i understand that may
be there are some people of the department involved in this.

After that i am regularly following up this issue with BSNL that what
action they had taken against him but no reply from BSNL i also talked
to Mr. Mathur (AGM- PG) regarding this issue but he told me that he
cant take any action against him.

There are some questions which clearly Indicate/shows that something
was not right at BSNL
1. When i applied for an Postpaid Connection than why no Physical
Varifiaction is done as it happens in all the cases, Without my
signature how the connection got issued.
2. Why the BSNL employees are protecting a franchise who did forge
signature, why they were not lodge FIR against him.
3. Why the department was in hurry to close that issue by disconnecting
the connection, How the connection got disconnected without settling
that bill of 7 days.
4. How come that Rs.1200/- is paid by cash.
I am regularly asking for clarifiaction of these question but nobody
provide me answer even they are not providing me that application form
which is signed by that franchise
Therefore it is requested to you to kindly intervene and take action
against the involved persons.
Ashish Goyal


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