Location/place: Pulwama Kashmir
Name of company/service: Airtel india
With due respect and regard i would like to request your good self that i had obtained a mobile phone connection from Airtel India under No 9622814501 on 22/8/2012 at 4;15 pm i recharged my cell with internet pack of Rs 10 for one day on same day at 4:44 i rechareged my cell online with Rs 98 internet pack for one month validity but the company deducted Rs 10 from my account on 32/08/2012 at 7:30 for one day internet pack.
As internet pack for one month validaity is alresdy activated on my cell the company deducted extra amount for the same service already activated. I called the CCE of the company three times for more than 40 minutes but they are telling ” please hold the line while we are checking your account” and cound not gave any justification.
The campany is loothing costomers and wasting their valuable time.
I want compensation for wasting my time and return of my deducted amount
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