Location/place: pilkkua (ghaziabad)
Name of company/service: saurashtra group finance delhi
hello im ranjan bari (ghaziabad)
im apply a lone 6lakh and company requited all documents and first and last 7500/- next day again tall me again tax charge 15000/- and im pay in state bamk a/c no. 32263919787 holder name meera devi.then next day again tall extra 20500/- rupee transfer in this account but im not pay in this a/c and i request company to return my money but not resiving my call and tall 5700/- extra charg pay to resiving my money but i dont pay plzzzzzzz my total money 22500/-plzzzzzzzzzz refundhelp mecompany name – saurashtra group finance (delhi)company mail id – saurashtragroup@yahoo.comcompany cell no- 9650739679
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