Lier company

&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Location/place&lt;/b&gt;: Jharsuguda&lt;/p&gt;<p><b>Name of company/service</b>: Aircel</p>I am Soumyakanta Dalai .On 1st April at nearly 10.30 a.m. I got a message from Aircel about its bombastic offer . It includes 75 rupee recharge with offers of 25 rupee return ,A2A @1.2 p/6 sec and A2O @1 p/2 sec for 90 days .But after the recharge I got only one offer i.e. 1p/2sec .When I contacted Custumer care ,they only said “ALL OUR CCR ARE BUSY AT THE MOMENT .PLEASE CALL AGAIN LATER .” I tried for three days and finally called from another number .I was able to communicate with them and they told to resolve my problem in 24 hours .But they cheated me .The nodal officer himself is a fraud I think because his phone is always switched off .So please try to resolve my problems and help me to get rid of these servants of Aircel .


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