Location/place: S – 6, NAVEEN SHAHDARA, DELHI-32
Name of company/service: INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD.
My letter to Chairman, IGL, reproduced below is self-explanatory. Till today, i.e. 19th August, ’12, there is no reply from the Deptt., nor any action.
Shri S. Vanketraman,
Chairman, IGL,
Plot No: 4, Community Centre,
R. K. Puram, Sector 9, New Delhi – 110 022
E – mail: investors@igl.co.in “customercare.png@igl.co.in”
Intentional Harassment by IGL staff.
Dear Sir,
I am a senior citizen of 71 and being victimized regularly by your officials, hence this request. The tale of my sufferings is as follows:
I had applied for PNG connection vide unique ID No.4000163549 dated 28th Sept., 2011.
(a) The survey feasibility of gas connection; (b) laying of MDPE after getting necessary permissions from the concerned civic authority and (c) laying of vertical piping to provide connectivity, all jobs done well in time. On 15th March, 2012, Mr. Arvind Sharma from IGL visited and confirmed satisfactory report, said the connection would be activated within a week.
When nothing done, I contacted Mr. Nitin Gupta, IGL Office, CBD Ground, who asked me to contact Mr. Gaurav Sharma at IGL, Tahir Pur. On 2nd April, 2012 Mr Gaurav Sharma assured me that he will personally intervene in the matter and ensure that the connection is installed & activated within a week. But, no action was initiated. When contacted again on 12th April, 2012, he said that “MCD ELECTION KE BAAD DEKHENGE”. On 27th April, 2012, he came out with another version – ‘HUM CORPORATION KO LIKHENGE”. On 2-5-12 Mr. Yogesh visited and informed me to contact Mr. Gaurav Sharma.
On 16th May, after listening my woes, Ms. Nidhi Joshi assured me over the phone to sort out the matter at the earliest. My letters dt. 31st May, 4th June and 12th June, 2012 to Ms. Nidhi Joshi, and dated 24th April & 7th May, 2012 to Mr. Shubh Ashish Bhattacharya, Chief Manager, are still pending for reply.
From the above chain of events, it is crystal clear that installation & activation of PNG connection at my address is being delayed either on one pretext or the other which smells out some mala fide intention.
Meanwhile, on 23-6-2012, I moved an application under RTI. Attached herewith please find photo copy of the reply received from your GM – (Legal) dated July 20, 2012. On 30-7-2012, I wrote to Mr. M. Ravindran, MD, photocopy enclosed.
To make the matter worst, a D/D has been sent to me mentioning that I have shown my disinterest in the connection, which is enclosed herewith for your further action as the undersigned had never applied IGL for any refund.
It is a matter of great shame that clearly indicates the intentional harassment by IGL. Even the higher officers like Mr. V. K. Dhaaka, GM (Mktg) in active connivance with other dealing staff has shown much interest in forcibly sending the refund, instead of taking proper note of situation and intervening in installation of gas connection. Apparently, it is clear case of fraudulent modus operandi adopted by your marketing as well as technical team. How can a D/D of 10th July, 12 be enclosed with a letter dt. 24th May, 12?
It is clearly evident that this fabrication and malpractice is being done intentionally by your staff. Do you have any machinery to monitor and redress the grievances arising on account of INTENTIONAL HARASSMENT done by IGL staff to potential consumers ?????
Please intervene personally, take appropriate action against the erring staff and instruct the concerned officials to ensure that the connection is installed & activated at the earliest. If no reply is received from you within 21 days, I will be forced to seek legal assistance including filing suitable cases in the court of law, at your risk and cost.
Thanking you in anticipation.
With Warm Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
G.S. Arora
S–6, Naveen Shahdara, Delhi–110032.
Copy for information and necessary action to: The Managing Director, IGL, New Delhi.
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