Idea cheating customers

Few days back IDEA has activated free missed call alert trial pack for 30 days to my number +91-9482253284. Then 10 days later I got a message saying Misses call alert has been activated and Rs 80/- has been deducted. I have not made any request to idea to activate any service, they just sent one message and deducted 80rs. When I called customer care regarding to this information they haven’t apologized for this issue but they told to continue this service.
Please refund the deducted amount or I will port to any other netwrok.
Kindley help! !


2 responses to “Idea cheating customers”

  1. Idea Cellular Avatar
    Idea Cellular

    Dear Customer,

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you. We have noted your concern. Please give us some time so that we can get in touch with you and discuss your concern.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Customer Care, Idea Cellular

  2. ideacellular Avatar

    Dear Customer,

    As per your telecon with our customer service associate on 28th Dec 2015, we wish to affirm that your aforesaid concern has been discussed and addressed. For further assistance, kindly contact our Idea customer care helpline.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Customer Care, Idea Cellular

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