ICSE Chemistry Class 9 Tutorial CD of Erudite make

Location/place: 10/4 Kedarnath Banerjee Lane Kolkata-36

Name of company/service: Global Siksha

Respected Sir,
I placed an order for 2 ICSE class 9 tutorial CD’s of Erudite make – Chemistry and Biology – Order ID 12561 Dt:09/07/12 by Cash on Delivery method. From the begining I have been telling them that please ensure that the CD’s work in Windows 7. Unfortunately the CDs sent were damaged CDs of 2008 make and would not open in Windows 7. When I took up the matter with the Company Global Siksha they promised to replace them with new tutorials that worked in Windows 7. When they send the replacements only Biology CD was a new one and worked in windows 7. The ICSE Chemistry CD was another damaged CD of 2008 make like the previous one and did not work in either Windows XP or Windows 7 operating system. When I informed the matter to Glbal Siksha M/s Komal she said that she would get back to me in 2 hours time, but she did not. After that when ever I am ringing either they are not picking up the phone or the service is out of reach. Please help. The cost of ICSE chemistry Class 9 is Rs. 549/-. Please help. Indranil Sengupta Mob 9903689020


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