Location/place: coimbatore
Name of company/service: editer/own
dear sir:
iam koushik i am working in Bangalore as a editor i had two credit card from icici bank card number 5176537187866007and 5163 in 2008 buying in icici bank in Bangalore as long i was in company had repaid all installment as i had resigned from company i had started re paying on my own i has paid all installment now i cannot use the card but icici bank representative are mantle torturing for 22 phone numbers asking for rupees 126000/ i have all ready paid 35000 but credit card limit is only 40000 but they 126000 i feel this amount invalided amount please help me to get original capital amount deleting the 350000 which i all ready paid then give legal action i want repayment formy balance amount only consumer court please let me know my amount
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