I am writing this email as greatest disappointed customer and unfortunate Eureka Forbes loyalist.

Location/place: Chennai

Name of company/service: Eureka Forbes

Dear Anu Kotian,

I am writing this email as greatest disappointed customer and unfortunate Eureka Forbes loyalist.My customer number is 1008689588. I had purchased an aquaguard water purifier ENHANCE model on 28-08-2011.From the day one of using it I am facing continuous problem. The machine is not functioning properly.

Every time when I log a complaint, the representative come here and cleans the filter and fixes it back. But the problem arises again in 1-2 weeks of time. Moreover they take nearly 3or 4 days to attend the issue from the day the complaint is logged.

The recent complaint I logged was on these dates

01-06-2012 -3c0f5a624a16
03-06-2012 -66965759
21-06-2012 -93489ef80f5f
09-08-2012 -67765203
12-08-2012 – fff8b127590d

They took nearly three or four days to attend the issue. Now (12-08-2012) again I am facing the same problem. I didn’t expect such a poor service from Eureka Forbes. The aquaguard Enhance water purifier is of very poor quality. Within a month this is the second time I am facing this problem.

All this has put me to tremendous mental pressure. I demand a complete explanation from your customer service head after appropriate investigation. I would need a replacement of the product purchased. This is certainly an unprofessional approach from a reputed brand like Eureka Forbes. I have personally recommended Eureka Forbes to my friends & relatives, with such a service; I may have to rethink before doing so. I will also share my experiences through social & other consumer forums if not handled appropriately.




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