Hopeless service by ‘Total Care Pest Control’ Vijayanagar Bangalore

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Total Care Pest Control

I have gone for a Pest Control to my Home on 25 May 2013 from ‘Total Care Pest Control’ Vijayanagar Bangalore..They have charged Rs. 800…..Hopeless service, they claim to provide 6 months guarantee but the problem started in 1 week itself and when we inform them they say that they will come but never turned up. They will not pick the call some time switched off (Person Name: Manohar Contact No. 9060984035)…Pathetic service,Please take my request into consideration ASAP so that others can not be fooled by such peoples.

Thanks and Regards


One response to “Hopeless service by ‘Total Care Pest Control’ Vijayanagar Bangalore”

  1. Hi Praveen,

    I guess nothing has been done about this company. They still continue to run this company and loot people. I faced this problem recently. And I try to contact Manohar on the same number, and he wont receive your call after you try to register your complain. They are a bunch of loots.

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