Highly Inflated Usage data coupled with non generation of complaint request id

Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: Vodafone India


This is with refrence to the overbilling of my post-paid number 9711285811 for the month cycle Aug-Sep, 2012; and the consecutive unprofessinal conduct of Vodafone’s customercare at ‘198’.

My average monthly bill is around Rs. 750-900, with 3G data usage of around 750-1000mb per month. However, I was amazed at the bill statement for Aug,2012, when i received the bill for Rs. 3400 inflated due to misstatement of my 3G data usage to around 2600mb. My daily usage is around 35-50 mb, and has never crossed 100mb since the beginning of my connection (which can be confirmed from my past bills). The usage statement is in line till 23 Aug, 2012; however, suddenly it shows daily usage of 700mb, 450mb, 350mb etc. I can confirm it with utmost confidence that there was no change in data usage and something like this would require me to download movies for entire day, and am more than happy doing it on my broadband conncetion with unlimited usage, so in short, i have not used the services to anywhere close to what they have stated.

After this when i contacted the cutsomcare at 198, they gave me the complaint number ‘1213491740’ saying that i would be contacted by his senior within a day. When no one called up, i again reached ‘198’ and when i asked the status for the complaint number, i was told that none such complaint id exist and when i asked them to generate a fresh one I was denied of the same. I again tried to get a complaint id by calling the helpline three times but for no success. When i had a chat with his senior, he transfered me to the billing department who again refused to generate the complaint id and simply said you have used the data without listening to any reasoning.

Then when i shot a mail to their corporate complaint id, I did receive a humble mail, but clearly stating that the usage has been generated by my SIM and I have to pay it.

My view is, that this is not the first instance that they have mis-stated the usage for customers, your complaint boxes are full of such instances. And if I pay this one time it would be a bad example to this virtual ransome they hold me to. What will I do if they add two zeroes or may be three after my bill and say it has been generated from your SIM and you will have to pay it. This is totally fraudulent practice and I would love to see a positive action taken against the same, so that I can retain my same number while paying the bill for what I have used (around Rs800).

Sulabh Gupta


One response to “Highly Inflated Usage data coupled with non generation of complaint request id”

  1. Hello Sulabh Gupta,

    Could you please share an alternate contact number here http://bit.ly/RKkaWZ for us to reach you with assistance at the earliest.

    Vodafone Customer Care

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