hevy charges without bill and nolaim c

Location/place: rishikesh uttrakhand

Name of company/service: shivalik pathology

shivalik phathology charges is very high and when we want bill they said no bill is given. they donot know how to treet paisent.Doctor says to cheak only shivalik ultrasound in rishikesh uttrakhand shivalik says there is no time to cheak ultra sond.i have cashless card Puri hospital (Rishikesh Uttrakhand) said that i am not in your card pannel medicard person said puri is in my pannel what i do sir


One response to “hevy charges without bill and nolaim c”

  1. sandeep singh chauhan Avatar
    sandeep singh chauhan

    sir please help me .my wife is pregnent i have no money to pay cash i have medi claim policy,but hospital (Puri Hospital Rishikesh Uttrakhand)says they are in not a pannel i request to medi claim customer care but they also not give proper answer

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