Harassment/unprofessional employees

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Bajaj FInance


My friend had a personal loan from Bajaj FInance where I stood as a guarantor. The loan is for 23,500/- and he did not make the payment. When I contacted Bajaj Finance they are threatening me to pay INR 1,50,000/-. My credit enquires also failing because of this & it has become a mental torture & the collection executives are harassing me. Please help me out!


One response to “Harassment/unprofessional employees”

  1. Dear Customer

    At the outset, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused. To help us expedite the process of resolution, could you please share your loan account number and contact details with us?

    With regards,

    Bajaj Finserv Lending

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