harassment throughout

Location/place: Ghaziabad

Name of company/service: Reliance netconnect datacard

sir/ madam
This mail is in regards to my datacard 9311535942 which i’ve been using since 2009. Initially I was given a different number for the same device for six months while it was in guarantee period device gave me problem but no one provided me solution.In 2010 i was given another number for the same device.It continued to give me similar problem but despite my complaints no solution was provided to me.
Anyhow this mail is in regard to my serious complaint against Reliance company.Since last year june 2011 I have been calling up reliance customer care that there was no signals and I was unable to connect. To which they agreed saying that it was due to some technical issues in the reliance tower in my near by area. This continued til 2010 oct. I n October also when they failed to rectify I called up the Zodal office number 1860200211, and they provided me waiver off three mnths free rental.so I did not paid any money for three mnths similarly I was not able to use Net as no signals in my area so vice-versa. In january I called up customer care in advance of my bill cycle to request that since there is still no connnectivity in my area can the put me to free rental mode for some more time so that I am not paying for what i am not using..to which they replied that it cannot happen and you will have to pay as per your plan once the free rental waiver is over. and they also promised that things will be fine net will start working. But nothing happened.For three mnths I did not get any hard copy of my bill. But int he mnth of feb when my conection was showing closed every now and then i again called up customer care and they said that my
bill is pending and i need to pay the same. I said that hwo come my bill is pending and they were saying this when i had called them otherwise there was no bill no intimation from reliance people. There was some small amount which I needed to pay.I asked if someone can come and collect as most of the web worlds in our nearby area have closed. One of the RElaince person called me up from the collection centre and said that he would come and collect but despite calling him for three days continuously noone turned to collect the amount.Rather what he did was he activated my account from his end by mentioning that I have made the payment and took all the cheque details on phone.Now when he did not turned up I thought it was my moral duty to make the payment on time as this person took a risk I went to the webworld with the slip of a previous bill attached as I had no current bill and i had to spent 500 rs on auto to make a small payment of I think some 200/rs.
Any how I used the net for some time as it used to connect on and off.
Mostly it used to show as connection is closed.I made thousands of call on daily basis to the customer care as well to the nodal office but they used to provide me the complaint numbers and reference ids.
Thats all no solution was ever provided.
In the month of april i recieved an sms showing that my usage od reliance is this much amd balance usage. This was the peculier message which I recieved for the first time.My payment was somewhere around Rs1100/-due as per this message. It was alarming as I was using a plan of Rs 499/ and my uasge is very low. It never ever crossed my plan rate as I’ve been using this since last 2 years. I immidiately called up customer care .The person on the other end said that my plan was changed in january and i am being charged as er usage. Now this was quite irritating.Who had asked to change my plan..Definetely if the plan is as per uasage the bill will be high..That is why I never opted this plan and was satisfied with Rs 499/-Plan. I called up again in morning and the executive transferred me to ms sunita floor manager she said..She checked the details and found me right that there was no intimation of plan change to me.She said that your bill will be settled according to my plan. I even asked her proactively whether my connection will not be closed and i should not get any kind of legal warnings for not payingto which she said that no it will not happen and i can be rest assured.But two days after this converstaion same thing happened. My connection was closed. I again called up customer care people and narrated the whole thing to which they asked me to call up the nodal office for help.i called up the zodal office and siince morning till 6:00p.m was talking to them. They were saying just one thing that due to the non payment my connection is cloased.. where in my complaint was that there was no net connection in my area for last 8 mnths and still and no bills were reaching me, no plan change was informed.
I was simply exhausted. I failed to make them understand my problem and decided to switch over to some other network which is more reliable. whwt i’ve been doing all thi time was more than using the net was talking and complainting to relaince and making payments and paying high telephone bills
Today 7th june after 3 mnths while i am in himachal i recieved a call from Mr. Alok Mathur (ph: 8860140734) from legal department who threated me for non payment.
I immediately called up the appellate office 1860200211 and had a conversation with mr Abdul Sheikh
converastion id-2803407202.
Since I am out of statio and not carrying ref id handy will not be able to justify but once irach Delhi certainly if my issue is not taken up seriously i will take legal help too.
My complaints are:
1.for almost six mnths i was charged for no service at all in my area.
2. Without my permission and knowledge plan was changed and i was charged accordingly
3.No bills ever reached me and my connection was closed without intimation
4. Despite talking to zodal and customer care people without fail no help or solution provided.
The device which i purchased thinking i will be using net at home proved to be a failure and reliance company proved to be disaster.
So ido not know why i am getting calls from ur legal department.
I hope this mail serves all your purpose and i will not be disturbed any more as i have already send the mail carrying the similar information at the consumer court with all the necessary reference ids for converasation proofs i had with your customer care people from time to time. Relaince did not paid any heed to what the customer is saying.Can i get the compensation for the Device which i purchased. Please close this case as i do not think much is left to explain.Hope for an early reply with a better solution so that i do not carry a wrong message for others.

so my request is that please help me to get exempted from paying the amout which is absolutely unfair and makes no sense in tne absence of the sevices which they dd not provide.Enough of the torture has already been done and have made thousands of call to the reliance company and pad enough money for no use.They terminated my devce wthout alerting me .can they compensate for my valuable time money and the job i lost because of non availablity of the network and could not procure the assignments on time.

9311535942-datacard reliance
my mobile number:9818527635
address: a/25 first floor near deep memorial public school ramprastha ghaziabd.


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