Harassment for Tata Photon No.9217136474

Location/place: Chandigarh

Name of company/service: tata tele services limited

I had taken a Tata photon plus postpaid No-9217136474 from Chandigarh,I had converrted to post paid from Prepaid.
I had got an valid unlimited offer usagein 450 rupees.But after one month I got bill amount of 1250 ruppes then i asked to customer care why this amount had issued if i went for 450 plan. i got ot know that the plan was for limited not for unlimted and if you go for 650 Plan then i t will be unlimited but before that i will have to paid the out standing. so i did as per their instrauction and converetd to 650 plan but again i got bill of amoun t 2500Ruppes after one month. so i registered complain by calling to customer care.,I requested the tata photon customer care to terminate the current bill plan of 950 per month and change it to either pre paid or minimal usage plan available.
However tata photon guys said it is not possible now and you have to pay according to current bill plan of 650/month.
I continued to receive the bill of next month.however i did not pay the bill since i had requested them to terminate the current plan.This resulted in a outstanding payment of Rs.2500 dues.

Today I received a phone having no.7532917620 from patiala house court .They threatened my wife and missbehaved to her and told to her she is a constable and she will kidnap her and her husbandand that a case file has been registered by advocate R.K CHAUHAN(M0b-09717992158) against me and I need to appear in the court proceedings and pay a heavy fine and they continued to threaten me that you have to go for proceedings and pay heavy fine . However i did not receive any legal court notice from any advocate or patiala court. earlier i had paid 1200 out of 1352. intimated to tat photon that initially I have paid the amonut of Rs1200 as per the usage by me and balance amount will not be paid as there is no satisfactory replaye from your side as the invoices was generated even after termonated of my tataphoton.


2 responses to “Harassment for Tata Photon No.9217136474”

  1. Dear Customer,

    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

  2. As per the telephonic conversation had with our team, you have expressed dissatisfaction towards receiving calls regarding payment. We regret the inconvenience caused to you. In this regard, we would like to inform you that we are forwarding your concern regarding the same to our concerned team on high priority and we will revert shortly. Hence, we request you to bear with us in the interim. Kindly note that your current outstanding is Rs.1353/-.

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