Hair in the cookie – Hygiene, safety issue

ITC Sunfeast Farmlite Oats & Raisins cookies Batch number: 20:42; Packing date: 06/02/14

I have also posted the pictures on Facebook and Twitter

The company has contacted me but they have neither offered to replace the cookies nor have they shown seriousness towards addressing a seemingly hygiene and safety issue at their factory. The larger issue needs to be addressed and the Batch of cookies needs to be recalled alongwith an enquiry into their hygiene systems and standards.


One response to “Hair in the cookie – Hygiene, safety issue”

  1. Varun Sawhney Avatar
    Varun Sawhney

    Please contribute by participating in the below Survey on Facebook (1 question). click on below link:

    The company, ITC Limited who own the Sunfeast brand have still not done anything to my knowledge… Waiting…

    I would publish the above Survey results on facebook, twitter and on some consumer forums. So, please click and support this!

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