Fraudulent shopping website

ever heard of the shopping website called the i found out about it thriugh fb and youtube…two well known social medias…i thought it would be genuine….and i placed an order for a shoe on that website on 18th october…today is 7th of nov..i havent recieved the product… i made online payment also for the product…not just mine…i also placed an order for my father….it also didnt arrive.The problem starts like this….as i said…iplaced the order on 18th october and paid online for it…they called me to confirm the order everything was perfect…the order id is AB465849…..everthing was perfect…i was supposed to get the product on 24th october which i didnt..but i waited for another day and called them on 25th..and they said they had a shortage of the product…but they shipped the product on 24th through a courier company called and they also gave me a tracking number….so i entered the tracking number 9567808 into the courier website…and to my shock…everthing was blank…the status,awb no,shipng dt…everthing was blank…it was a complete ghost…so i called them again and they said it takes tym to respond…fine…i waited as 31st was the day of delivery…but..the same…nothing came….i called themm…another rep picked up and to my shock said that there was a shortage in the product they were not able to ship it on 18th but they did ship it on 31st..that was the morning of the day…i lost my temper..and asked him about the SO CALLED SHIPMENT THEY MADE ON 25TH AND THE TRACKING NUMBER THEY GAVE ME…there was a big silence…no reply…everytime i call the customer care the only thing they say are..SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE….this tym i asked them to cancel my product and refund the amount…they said they cant…because it was already dispatched….they said that they were sure that i will get the product on or before 4th november..reluctantly i said ok….and waited…but on 3rd november by evening another IDIOT called me and said there was a shortage of the product and they were only able to dispatch it on 1st….i again lost temper and called him whatever came to my mouth…and to my astonishment he gave me a new tracking number….but when i checked it was the same as earlier…he said i will get the product on 6th and was damn sure….On 6th morning a lady called and said there was a shortage…and the dialogues repeated and said I MIGHT GET THE PRODUCT ON OR BEFOR 10TH…on hearing MIGHT i exploded….well in thier way of speaking finally they won as usual and confirmed and said SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE…..EVERYTIME I ASK THEM TO CANCEL THE PRODUCT..THEY SAY THEY CANT BECAUSE ITZ BEEN DISPATCHED….today my father called them regarding his product…the very SAME DIALOGUES…he gave the phone to me and i asked them to connect to their supervising officer….AND THEY DID….THAT IDIOT ACTED TO BE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE AND SAID THE SORRY….TOOK THE MISTAKE ON TO HIS HEAD AND SAID THAT HE WILL CALL US WITHIN 2 HOURS AFTER SORTING OUT….ITZ BEEN 5 HOURS NOW…NO RESPONSE…It was then i checked online regarding the REVIEWS OF WEBSITE….i logged into a website called MOUTHSHUT WHICH KEEPS TABS ON EVERY SHOPPING WEBSITE….I WAS SHOCKED TO SEE THE REVIEWS…IT WAS NOT JUST ME…THEY CHEATED EVERY PERSON THEY MADE DEALS WITH…..SOME HASNT EVEN RECIEVED THE REFUND OF rs.12000 YET FOR NEARLY 2 MNTHS….i am shocked that the government hasnt noticed a thing like this and is not doing anything….as far as i know there are people who are still placing orders without knowing the after effects….forgot say that they gave my father the same tracking number thrice


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