Location/place: banagalore


I got the call from the person saying that he is from unicef & want some fund to save the child, so i proceeded for payment during disucssion i found something fishy about the website name.
www.unicef.org.in (after posting the below link will come)
I got a call from +911409540042.
I dont know to whome i should infrom so that this website can be stopped. Also the website made on 2/3/12 ( Its 100% fake).

Kindly direct it to write person so that money should be directed to right People.


33 responses to “Fraud on name of unicef”

  1. Amman Hussain Avatar
    Amman Hussain

    I had the call from the same number in Kolkata, upon visitng the said website I found it suspicious and did not proceed with the payment. He called me up again after a month, and I told him that I have made a complaint about them to UNICEF and hung up.

  2. Ganesh Kumar C S Avatar
    Ganesh Kumar C S

    I do recieve the call from the number 11409263402 in the name of UNICEF, and the girl explained about poor childrens and how they ae suffering like that. Which will make you to pay. but i checked the authenticty of the website its really fake.

    Please dont give any personal informations to these guys.

  3. Sanjay Sawant Avatar
    Sanjay Sawant

    I got a call from the number 11409246005 in the name of UNICEF, and a boy explained about poor childrens and how they are suffering like that. Which will make you to pay. He directed me to the website http://www.unicef.org.in to make the payment by credit card and the page diverted me to the link https://www.donatetounicef.org/?camp=sparshmar2012. To check the authenticity i searched for the telephone numbers on unicef.org and called the no 065740097 in Mumbai and told him about the website.He confirmed that its the original website for donation ie http://www.unicef.org.in

    Can any one from UNICEF confirm about this authencity.

  4. Dear All,

    First of all thanks for thinking about donations to UNICEF. UNICEF is a UN organization which works solely on funds generated by donors like you. This makes your donations priceless.

    The website mentioned is a genuine website by Unicef for donations. unicef.org.in redirects to a more secure page https://www.donatetounicef.org/?camp=sparshmar2012. This is done to ensure that your credit card information is exchanged betwee you and UNICEF in a more secure form.

    We do not want the telecallers to take any confidential credit card information and hence they simply direct you for donation to the said page. The information thus captured comes to UNICEF directly for processing. This ensures that the data is 100% confidential and the donation reaches UNICEF only and directly.

    The who is information for the website is http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/donatetounicef.org

    In case you need any further information kindly write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org. You can also call us at our India Country Office on +91-11-24606290(Business hrs only).

    Once again we would like to inform you that the website is 100% genuine and your donation is safe.

    Thanks for deciding to donate.

    Best Regards,

    Donor Relations Team

  5. You can stop this kinda spam by reporting to the below link.


    please do it and stop this kind of websites spoiling our country name.

  6. me too got a call from kolkata from no. similar to above and to me too its seems fishy…
    fishy for one more reason that i was redirected to https://www.supportunicefindia.org/Donation/SupportUSNew.aspx from unicef.org for the donations.

    also does unicef works like a call centre asking for donations. I had asked the guy to provide me with the tax exemption certificate for the donation and he was’nt very forthcoming about it

  7. Sarath Nair Avatar
    Sarath Nair

    https://www.supportunicefindia.org/Donation/ContactDonor.aspx is the website if you want to make any payment..
    all others are fraud.

    You can understand by just looking the website thy provide ..

    please dont get trapped.

    I also got a cal just now that too from kolkota. Researched and found that it was a fake call.

  8. HI Today I got such call form Number 911409260081 and he gave me this website ID http://www.unicef.org.in which is also fake I checked this and this redirect to another website..


    So becareful guys

  9. How can u people say that https://unicef.org.in is a fake website.do you have any proof?if so plz put here.plz check the privacy policy of that website.also check https://networksolution.com. As mentioned above by unicef donor relations team.u can send them mail or call up to know abt it.so my humble request is before putting any comment here plz check through the above steps.
    Hope u all wil come forward to stop newborn deaths in india.

  10. Gopal: How can you say it is legitimate just by some anonymous comment. there is no reference to this site on our actual unicef website supportunicefindia.org or unicef.org. The webpage looks very fishy. Why is the donation accepted only as credit card, what sort of organization asks donations by forcing donors to use credit cards. The credit certificate image is not a link as it is supposed to be.

    Unicef Tech team

  11. I think the correct website for India is http://www.unicef.org/india/. I also got a call from +918067725100, and they are behind me to donate using http://www.unicef.org.in, which I think is a fraud website. Don’t think UNICEF would be behind people calling 10 times for donations.

  12. Yes.They are fake.Here is the proof.The original weblink to support the UNICEF is below.https://www.supportunicefindia.org/Donation/DonateNew.aspx?Flag=M
    But the girl given me a fake url, which forces us to make at least Rs.650 minimum.But in the original UNICEF you can pay as little as Rs.50 or Rs.100.In addition to this they don’t mention the contact number and contact address in the fake page.It’s clear they are fake

  13. I think there are some black sheeps in UNICEF too who are supporting these fake websites, why else would they not make any efforts to bring such websites down, or atleast put caution notice on their own website.


  15. UNICEF (India Country office) Avatar
    UNICEF (India Country office)

    Dear All,

    First of all thanks for thinking about donations to UNICEF. UNICEF is a UN organization which works solely on funds generated by donors like you. This makes your donations priceless.

    UNICEF uses Telemarketing to get donations and to track them separately we use domains which redirect to landing pages on donatetounicef.in. You can directly write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org. or call us at our India Country Office on +91-11-24606290(Business hrs only).

    The website mentioned is a genuine website by Unicef for donations. unicef.org.in redirects to a more secure page https://www.donatetounicef.in/?camp=sparshmar2012. This is done to ensure that your credit card information is exchanged betwee you and UNICEF in a more secure form.

    We do not want the telecallers to take any confidential credit card information and hence they simply direct you for donation to the said page. The information thus captured comes to UNICEF directly for processing. This ensures that the data is 100% confidential and the donation reaches UNICEF only and directly.

    The who is information for the website is http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/donatetounicef.in

    In case you need any further information kindly write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org. You can also call us at our India Country Office on +91-11-24606290(Business hrs only).

    Once again we would like to inform you that the website is 100% genuine and your donation is safe.

    Thanks for deciding to donate.

    Best Regards,

    UNICEF (India Country Office)

  16. It’s a scam. Please beware it’s a scam.

  17. So this is a very brilliant scam.
    The tele-callers call you from an untraceable number.
    Then they ask you to log onto http://www.unicef.org.in.
    This redirects you to:

    And this is the real master stroke. Because the REAL website is:

    Please beware of this scam.

  18. Dear Taz,

    We have explained above but still kindly search for UNICEF India office and dial the number or drop in to our office at Lodi Road, address is UNICEF House, 73, Lodi Estate, New Delhi. Please ask to speak to someone in donations team and reconfirm the information which we mentioned above. You can also write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org.

    We would be happy to assist you with your donation needs although unicef.org.in redirects to donatetounicef.in and is also a genuine method of donating to us.

    Our generic response however is below.

    Thanks & Regards,



    Dear All,

    First of all thanks for thinking about donations to UNICEF. UNICEF is a UN organization which works solely on funds generated by donors like you. This makes your donations priceless.

    The website mentioned is a genuine website by Unicef for donations. unicef.org.in redirects to a more secure page https://www.donatetounicef.org/?camp=sparshmar2012. This is done to ensure that your credit card information is exchanged betwee you and UNICEF in a more secure form.

    We do not want the telecallers to take any confidential credit card information and hence they simply direct you for donation to the said page. The information thus captured comes to UNICEF directly for processing. This ensures that the data is 100% confidential and the donation reaches UNICEF only and directly.

    The who is information for the website is http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/donatetounicef.org

    In case you need any further information kindly write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org. You can also call us at our India Country Office on +91-11-24606290(Business hrs only).

    Once again we would like to inform you that the website is 100% genuine and your donation is safe.

    Thanks for deciding to donate.

    Best Regards,

    Donor Relations Team

  19. I got a bit sceptical looking at the site and started to find if the site was genuine.

    So the http://www.unicef.org/ is global site, and from there i can choose the country site – http://www.unicef.org/about/structure/index_worldcontact.html to India site –
    http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/india_contact.html to country site –

    Now when i click on ‘Donate Now’ it takes me to –

    This has to be the right site.

    Also the contact info provided in https://www.donatetounicef.in/?camp=sparshmar2012 is not the same as in

    73 Lodi Estate ,New Delhi 110 003, India

    Tel: 91 11 2469-0401, 2469-1410
    Fax: 011 2462-7521, 2469-1410
    Email: newdelhi@unicef.org

    Contact from – https://www.donatetounicef.in/?camp=sparshmar2012

    For any queries and clarifications please contact us at UNICEF, India Country office on
    indiadonors@unicefindia.org or call at 011-24606290 (Business hours only)

  20. gandi ramakrishna Avatar
    gandi ramakrishna

    I donate money through http://www.unicef.org/ . After few days ,i got a call from +912233578204 and asking me to donate monthly.I accept it ,he asked my address to come to me to fill the appl form.Im not decided,whether is it safe to fill form for automate donations monthly or not?.Please give me correct information.

  21. hi dis is sr this unicef is very frod

    Unfortunately, Unicef has been only a FAIR WEATHER weather friend to me.
    My Experience with UNICEF Donation has been a sad one. Unicef breached on the Donation Term agreed which was for 12 months. However, when the term ended, it was UNICEF’s responsibility to stop taking payment which they did not. Amount continued getting deducted from my account without my knowledge for 16 more months. Meanwhile, I used to get renewal calls, misleading me into believing that Donation term had ended. Neither did I receive any communication from UNICEF or Thanks from UNICEF for the payments received. Had there any communication from UNICEF, We would have checked if the payments are still going. As the payments were through ECS, We would not get any sms from Bank as well.
    When I raised the issue & asked for refund & Compensation, UNICEF responded poorly & doubted my integrity. Being a donor, I did not like the way I was treated by UNICEF. This has also brought down my MORALe & passion for charity
    This kind of unprofessionalism was not expected from International Organisation from UNICEF.

  23. I have called on number given above 011-24606290 and they said both unicef.in and unicef.org is our website. Kindly call and confirm

  24. I receive call from the numbers mentioned below in the name of UNICEF :
    I think this is a fake number in the name of UNICEF. Can anyone confirm this?

  25. I too got a call from the following number:
    When I answered there was a ring and then a woman informed me she was calling on behalf of UNICEF. I called up the Bhubaneswar UNICEF office and they confirmed it was not a UNICEF number. Please be careful of these scammers.

  26. Riptinder Jit Singh Avatar
    Riptinder Jit Singh

    I do not have a credit card, but I wanted to donate. Why can’t we have an option of a one time payment through net banking or debit card. why it has to be a monthly thing.
    UNICEF is big humanitarian organisation, I am sure they can come up with a solution to this.

  27. i met some guys today near mu office asking me to donate 600 Rs. per month and I said I need time to decide.After doing full research only I would agree to donate money.they forced me a bit but I didn’t agree. I think I made a right decision.I went through all the chats here and all the links.UNICEF india is fake, look at their abbreviation guys “The United Nations Children’s Fund ” .are we that dumb ? actually the full form is “The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund” it is like selling ‘magic’ noodles in the name of ‘maggi’.I thoroughly checked the genuine site for UNICEF.It says either we can donate 800 Rs. month or any amount.I really believed today that there is no humanity in the world.Dear comrades, next time you get a call from kolkata, see guys roaming about in kolkata in the name of UNICEF or get a call from the above numbers mentioned, don’t believe them.Ignore them completely. people are fooling us in the name of UNICEF.

  28. Yesterday at Phoneix mall pune , I got a team from UNICEF( not sure whether real one). One of the guy from the team explain mein the cause and the effect of taking donation. They also took my bank account number, mobile number and the address. Today they will call me. I found they guy genuine but after seeing above comments I little confused . there email id is” indiadonors@unicefindia.org.

  29. +913379413800 this no. Contacted me as executive caller from UNICEF India and they tried to make me convince for donation. Please kindly check it’s authencity

  30. Thanks for info on repeated calls, decided to research and realized there is no link on unicef.org for indian site. Definitely fraud.

  31. If the “Unicef India” is genuine, why don’t they publish their “PAN” number in the donation receipts they distribute.

  32. HI UNICEF ,

  33. Deimayami Nongtdu Avatar
    Deimayami Nongtdu

    About 10 months ago, I tried to donate to UNICEF india but it did not work. And the funny thing is that yesterday some one called me from kolkata in the name of unicef and told me that I since my donation before did not work I should donate again. And they send me a link, when I check the link with the official one, its different. So becareful….

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