Location/place: Kolkata
Name of company/service: www.timtara.com
I want to bring to your notice how I am being trapped & harassed by
online shopping site timtara.com and I am sure you will find hundred
others like me if you go to the online consumer forums.
This is a serious issue which I feel like bring to your notice. If you
find it relevant you can enquire further . This will
save many others from this sort of harassment
I have placed an order bearing sl no 10196465 dated 22-feb-12 on
timtara.com. I have paid the money online through one of my friend’s
credit card.
[ Website – www.timtara.com
email – customerfirst@timtara.com, raja @timtara.com, abose@timtara.com
Ph – 033-40166500 / +918743038949]
They were unable to deliver the material within their stipulated time
of 10-15 working days.If you call 20 times at their customer care no
033-40166500, you may get a response if you are lucky. What is more
ridiculous is that I have never got right information from them.
Whenever I have spoken to them I got the answer ‘your order will be
shipped by this week’.But that week never came.
Frustrated by their approach I have cancelled the order on 13-Mar-12
and asked them the refund. They did not act upon my request until I
started circulating chain mails with copies to them. On 26th Mar 12,
I have received a phone call for the first time from timtara.com (the
no +918743038949) during which I demanded the money back out right.
The person who called me up told that the refund will be made within 7
Till now I have not received the refund. The website shows the status
as ‘awaiting refund’.
Since, cyber laws are not
strict in our country and people can not catch these people, they have
assumed that they can act at their whims. We the poor consumers who
are at the receiving end. I also have the feeling that this is a
technique of accumulating funds by showing heavy discounts and
withholding consumer’s money.
Kindly look into the issue.
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