Fraud and cheating in billing, insurance and tax

Location/place: Pune

Name of company/service: Super Sonic India Movers and Packers

I engaged supersonic india movers and packers to sshift my furniture and car from Pune and Hyderabad
They quoted 25000 as all inclusive and total fee and later after loading began haggling for additoinal 10000 claiming service tax, insurance and octroi. I was assure fthat the stocks worth 3 lakhs were insured via their transit insurance. The furniture cam broken and the car went into repairs. They are not picking up their phones nor replying to emials send seeking insurance / damage is daylight robbery. I dont think they take insurance or pay taxes and flease customers. Also they claim to have branches acrosss the country but the numbers given were found to be false.
How can i sue the fraud companay?


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