A Demand is sent notice sent to my registered email address for Tikona service ID No 1113984607 & Billing Number 125633669, I would like to bring to everyone’s notice a few points:

1. Inspite of several calls to the customer care, (one call even before the expiry of the 2 months) for a disconnection request, we have not received any kind of support for the same.
2. The call was once disconnected without providing a reference number for the request when asked for.
3. The Internet was only used for the amount paid for 2 months duration and inspite of a disconnection request , the bill is being generated after the 2 months bill cycle.
4. After receiving calls and messaged every second day, from the customer care, and getting disturbed, wasting time and energy over these calls, there is no action being taken from Tikona.
5. We have not used the internet even for a single day after the duration of 2 months – for which we paid the money in advance. We have vacated the space and there is no scope of any data usage. Your system shows 9 GB data usage which we are sure is not used by us. We were not present there to use it.
6. Even after going to the Ahmedabad office personally (from where we got your email address after asking for it a number of times) we have received no help/solution to the problem.
7. After all the calls and messages from the customer care, we get a demand notice from Tikona, which is totally unacceptable and harassment to customers from Tikona’s end.


2 responses to “Fraud”

  1. Tikona Care Avatar
    Tikona Care

    Dear Priya,

    Greetings from Tikona.

    Please be assured that your concern listed Mar 21, 2016 has been noted and our team is working on addressing the same.

    Tikona Care

  2. Tikona Care Avatar
    Tikona Care

    Dear Mr. Shah,

    Greetings from Tikona.

    With regards to your concern, we confirm your Tikona service has been terminated.

    We would like to inform you that your CPE recovery and full and final calculation of your account is in process. We will update you accordingly.

    For any further issues/queries, please contact us on our toll free number 1-800 209 4276 or you can reach us at forum.tikona.in

    Tikona Care

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