Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Raj Oil Mills

My FD for principal amt of 45000 with Raj Oil Mills matured on 15th Jan 2012. The FD is on my husband Rajesh Shastrys name and the Deposit LF no. is 200326. After considerable amt of followup by my broker, Yaman Doshi the co. issued a bearer cheque no. 285592 dt 15/1/12 in May 2012. However, the co acct never has funds. We deposited the cheque which got dishonoured. My broker has been following up continuously with the company management, which keeps giving false promises of repayment and postpones the issue. They again told us that 27/06 the amt will be deposited in their acct. However, as always the cheque has bounced. Pls help us get the money back fromt the company on priority. For salaried people 45000 is a big big amt. However for a company the same does not hold good.

Thanks for your help

Meenakshi Shastry


One response to “FD repayment not done”

  1. Yes They just give false promises every time we contact… Now i got to know that the company is going under liquidation….as per MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS letter recd.

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