Notion Press is an online publishing platform which boasts itself as providing services like inventory management, India online distribution etc. While they tell everything what can help in them getting an order but what they doesn’t tell the author is the pathetic completion of such services. I Published my Book ANTHROPOLOGY SOLVED PAPERS: CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION (Subhash Chandra Gahlawat) from them under their DIY plan and submitted on 9 May. On 11 May they told me that my book is accepted but under DIY the book will have limited sale as very few people purchase the book on notion press platform. If you buy a plan on which they gave discount the book will be made available on Leading e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and Infibeam. So, i accepted the offer and paid them money. But they never told that under inventory management services offered by them the book will be delivered in nearly 10 days to the customer. As one comes to know these things only after seeing the book on e-commere platform, so i complained about it and the executive said that for some regions it can be less. Secondly just in a week while the sales report of book shows zero sell the book has gone out of stock two times on Infibeam platform. Thirdly while they proclaimed to be niche publisher but such is their expertise that the anthropology book is put under Fiction category.
The company seems to be nothing but a bunch of lies. While they promise big things to entice people but does little to deliver.
The company commits fraud in the name of inventory management because under the connectivity situation of today we can have a courier delivered from anywhere in India with maximum of 3-4 days. It is rare to see any product getting delivered by leading e-commerce sites in more than 4-5 days unless the company is like notion press who will publish the book only after getting an order.
So what i need is the return of my money and the compensation for the time i wasted with this 3rd grade publisher and on sending messages on availability of book. Also, the company should tell in advance about the time it will take in delivery of books and how it manages the inventory
Fake Promises by the company
One response to “Fake Promises by the company”
Complain fake message for me and pay 240000
Message to me and aske me all details I don’t decided what I can do please help me
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