Fake Company

Kcore Technolgy is a fake IT company now located in Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi.Kcore Technology call as Kcore Technology Pvt. Ltd. but it is not a Private Limited Company.Initially it is started in the year 2013 Adarsh Nagar New Delhi but further it changed their location & locate in Hari Nagar Ashram New Delhi,after that it again their office in Kilokari.It means this company change their office after 3 -4 months.

The Owner of this company is Suman Kumar & Quadir Parwej both are defaulter & fraudier.They had done number of fraud with their employees & Clients.They can hire the employee & take work but at the time salary they are not provided any salary & make number of Excuses.

In this company only 3-4 employees including owner of the company No proper Management & discipline only wastage of time.
inspite of that it takes money for hiring the candidate but after completion of probation period of candidate they will not give any salary & stipend.

This company had done number of fraud with their client ,it take money from client but delivering projects due to this they can relocate their office between 3 – 4 months.


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