Dish tv service request no 500250300 placed on 08/06/2019

Dear sir/Madam,
Here i liked to discuss the issue that I raised on dish tv for the re-installation of set of box .I raised request in 8th june 2019..And they said request will be resolved in 24hours…Till now issue not yet all resolved….I called more than 5 times they are saying it will resolve within 24 hours daily…Even yesterday ie11th june they confirmed me that they will exclate the issue to service manager and clusterhead and confirmed me that issue resolved with in 24 hours .Ie committed by 4pm and informed that our team will call you at 9.49am .For confirmation and I did not received a call ..At around 2pm i called customer support and they promised me this issue will be resolved by 4pm..And they said call back will be arranged.but i didn’t received a call.Niw i called once again they said with silly reason that pincode is not provided..and they said they will call back by tomorrow and can i trust them…Please kindly take-up the issue on urgent basis..
Thanking you


2 responses to “Dish tv service request no 500250300 placed on 08/06/2019”

  1. Dear Durga Prasad,

    Hope you are doing good.

    We are sorry for the experience you had. Please write to us about your concern with your VC number and registered mobile number at and we will put all our efforts in trying to help you out.

    Online Team

  2. Dear Durga Prasad,

    Information about your complaint is still awaited from you. Please contact us on with the necessary details for any further assistance.

    Online Team

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