For the past few days have been trying to get the UPC code from Reliance. This is required for me to port to another network.Every time i send the message in the given format – PORTmy ten digit mobile number to 1900, I get a revert – Invalid UPC SMS format, please check and send again.
Have visited the Reliance Mobile store where the CCE advised me to call their complaint number 198. The 1st time i had called this no. the call centre executive misguided me and told me to just send PORT to 1900. As expected it did not hel resolve the issue. I called again and was told that after this call when you send the message you will receive a UPC code. The reason was not very clear as he said there was some technical issue.
The least that Reliance can do is give me my right to number portability and ensure that the entire number porting process goes through in a smooth manner. This starts with the 1st basic step i.e. of providing the UPC code.
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