I have ordered Amway Protein powder 1 kg family pack cost:2871 rs from PAYTM online shopping on 10th april 2015.I recevied the product on 14/04/2015and ORDER NO. is 885190989. We found that the product is damaged and there is scratch mark on the code and i have doubt that product is not genuine.
In view of above doubt i have called to Amway customer services at no given on the box and they told us that Amway product can be sell by only authorized Amway business owner and we can not give surety that product you received from paytm is original or not.
In view of above i write a mail to PAYTM mail id: on 14/04/2015 for return the product and credit money to my bank account.
Regarding above problem we have write mail to dated 14-April-2015 and subsequent various reminder mail. we do not received any positive reply from paytm executive and also observed that no one of paytm executive was reading complete mail to understand the basic problem and all the time different person was replying with different type of answer. some one was writing sentence “we made three attempt” .I asked them what is the mean of “we made three attempt” but they did not reply and not cleared my doubt.
After this i have written so many mails to paytm but the did not get any response till.
in view of all please look into the matter seriously because being a student for me 2871 is not small amount .I want my money back please help me out to resolve this isuue.I have all the mails and product snapshot.
Delivery of duplicate product
One response to “Delivery of duplicate product”
Dear Nutrilite User. Thats why be sure in the time of buying products of amway . Only genuine product you can get from Amway Business Owners Only.
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