Delay in refund of the membership fees

Location/place: Gurgaon

Name of company/service: Club Mahindra Pvt. Ltd.

This is in reference to the abovesaid subject. I had taken the Club Mahindra Membership on 18th March’12 for a total fees of 2.75 lakhs, of which I made a downpayment of Rs. 27500. On getting a welcome call
from them, I realized that apart from the membership fees , I had to pay around Rs 10,000 annually which almost doubled the membership fees. So, we cancelled the membership taken on 26th March’12, under a clause in the agreement that if we withdraw within 10 days of joining, our full amount shall be refunded. The same was confirmed by their
executives, Mr. Alaek and Mr. Nikhil Grover.
After about 15-20 days when we enquired about the refund status, their representative said that they haven’t recieved any cancellation request and asked about the proof. We mailed them the scanned copy of
the cancellation request. After that we have been enquiring about our refund status many times but again and again they are giving lame excuses that we are processing the claim and so on but not telling us
about the refund status.
Then their Customer care executive mailed me that I would be getting refund till 31st May but when they not refunded I asked them to arrange for a call from some senior person of the organization. They haven’t arranged the call and promised (thru mail ) that I will be getting refund till 10th July but now also they are extending the timeline for he refund.

We request you to help us in the abovesaid matter so that we can get our full and timely refund.

Looking forward for your support in taking this up with the concerned organisation since they have not been responding.


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