Delay in Delivery

Location/place: Ghaziabad

Name of company/service:

It is to bring to your Notice I ordered a product from online on 12th February 2013 to be shipped to Kanpur as per the assurance of the company that it is delivering the product in 2-3 business days.Now it is more than 3 working days and it is yet not delivered to shipping address. I tried to complain to customer care of the company but I am surprised that they are also not well informed about the product and only one repeated answer was there that they have taken request which will be taken care of in 24-48 hours. I am surprised that these companies do not care about ours money at all.
It is strange that to order a product it takes 2 min and action on complaint takes 48 hours.
It was very important for me that product was delivered on 15th Feb 2013


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