Location/place: DELHI

Name of company/service: HOMESHOP18.COM

I had placed an order for ACER IC 5601 on 21st June 2012, order no.913538059. The product was supposed to be preloaded with Linux OS. However when received the product it didn’t had an OS at all. The security seal meant for warranty, was broken. On contacting the online store I was asked to contact the manufacturer i.e. Acer.
After exchange of several e-mails with Mr. Sourabh Srivastava [email protected], I received a email today on 26 July 2012, “This E-mail ID has been permanently deleted from our database . For any Product or
Order related query please feel to write to [email protected]. We will be more than happy to help you. Team HS 18.”

However the issue is yet to be resolved.


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