Defective Mi4i mobile from flipkart

Hi Team,

I ordered Mi4i mobile and it got deliver to my address on 06/25/2015. My Order Id: OD103183280320715800.

On the same day i came to know that the product which i have receive is a defective product as it gets heated withing one minute of usage. On the same night i requested for return the package. The product can not keep near to my ear as there is 100% chance that it can get burst any time.?However i received a call from the representative, he asked me to download one app so that flipkart team can check the temperature of my mobile one line. I am very much astonished by the fact that here use of this mobile will lead to risk to my life, but still flipkart team is asking to use that device in order to check the temperature.?If some think happen to my life while using Mi4i mobile the responsible person will be flipkart and flipkart has take reimbursement of the medical expenses.

Later representative asked me to reset the cell also to update the software. I did the all what he asked however the problem is still persist. They were keep on saying the mobile has no defect, however when I asked them to give me writing they refused to give me any letter stating this mobile is safe to use.

It just like bomb I am handling in my hand. It can blast anytime. The heating level is so high which could lead to permanent hearing loss.

I really don’t understand the fraudness of flipkart company while selling this product. Why the company write 30day replacement garranty?

Please help me get the refund from flipkart and take necessary action against flipkart.



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