Deactivation of service

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Tata Docomo

My tata docomo perpaid no. 9203848765 is deactivated by the company.

When I called customer care I came to know that the number is deactivated because due to negative verification and the submitted documents are wrong.

The number was issued in 2008 and the submitted documents were genuine.

If the documents were not appropriate then why the company has activated the number.And why it was active since last three years?

I came to know that in their database the corresponding i-card is of someone else and I am supposed to submit his documents.Then only my number will be activated.How is it possible for me?

Due to wrong data entry done by the company or mis-handling of customers documents.They are making the customers suffer.

I told the xustomer care my number should be activated asap becuse the fault is commited at the company’s end and I am ready to provide my documents again.I am thei post paid customer,they can check my authencity with the documents corresponding to that number,but I didn’t get any help.

I am highly dissatisfied and need immediate response from the company.


One response to “Deactivation of service”

  1. chetan govilkar Avatar
    chetan govilkar

    my mobile no is 8097037877.please deactivat all servicess urgentaly………………

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