Connection suspended due to false bill

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Reliance Broadband

Subscriber No-386853787912

It has been two weeks now that my connection has been suspended over 10 complaints given and several other calls made, not to mention the numerous mails for which one receives no reply. Everyone points to someone else and back in a loop. I will attach below one such email that will give you the info about the problem.

“to rcomwireline.a.


PFB my account details

Subscriber Name: 386853787912
Name: Abhijit Dash
Contact: 9739720004
Billing Contact Number: 100000118850139

My billing cycle is from 20-20.
REQ ID:179624555:: I placed a plan migration request on 21st May from my Unlimited 999 plan to the unlimited Night zoom 549 plan. I was told that the plan will be migrated within 72 hours.

The plan was not migrated. I was not called back to convey any issues with the migration.

3rd June: REQ ID: 180404155:: I called back to find out what the hold up was for the plan to be changed. I was told that it was not possible to change the plan as mine was a combo plan and I wanted to migrate to a non combo plan. This was only possible once the broadband line and land line were split. WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE OR WHY WASNT I CONVEYED THIS MESSAGE BEFORE? So I went ahead and logged a request for my billing for the next cycle to be waivered accordingly as I had requested for a plan change to 549 plan at the beginning of the cycle REQ ID: 180404551. THIS WAIVER WAS REJECTED, WHY? So now I have confirmed on June 3rd again for the line to be split and plan to be changed to 549 as per request ID:180404155.

7th June::The morning of 7th my connection was suspended. I called up to know why. INTERACTION ID: 2804299184. I was told that I had been wrongly charged with some plan and the due amount was 7000+ for my account. I was told there was some mistake in this and the account will be back up within 48 hours. Aftter multiple requests from my end no Request ID was given to me.

9th June: Past 48 hours no development on my account. I called back to find that the information wasnt properly provided for the conversation on 7th as mentioned before. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH RECKLESSNESS.So I go ahead and log anew request. 180790181. Frustrated by the lack of any development from calling the customer care guyys, I call up the secretariat office0 for Reliance, INTERACTION ID: 2806022388. This guy was insistent that I requested for a plan change to 99 plan on 3rd JUNE. I tried to convince him but he did not provide any help in this matter. He blatantly refused to believe that I had not given a request for plan migration to 99 plan for which the unbilled amount is now 7000+.

Here is what I want to know.
1. Why was my plan not migrated or I not informed about any issues about the migration on my contact no provided in the ticket raised 21st May. 179624555.
2. If the customer care guys do not hear me out well or for any other reason change the plan to a plan of there desire, I am not responsible for the payment of any such bills that come out of it. I will make myself clear here once and once only. I NEVER REQUESTED FOR A 99 PLAN. I AM AN UNLIMITED PLAN USER, IF YOU THINK FROM A USER PERSPECTIVE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWER TO IT. THIS BEING SAID I REFUSE TO PAY ANY SUCH BILLS. I WOULD BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO TAKE MY CASE TO THE COURT.

If you guys can provide me the conversation where I have confirmed the plan change to a 99 plan I will and I repeat I will pay the bills generated. But if you fail to do so I will not pay any such ridiculous bills generated from the mistakes on your part.

In the past few months I have raised several requests, regarding my account, if this is the kind of trouble I have to go through using RCOM I will be glad to move away.

NOTE: I have sent mails like this before as well with no response. If I do not receive a response this time as well I will be very happy to spread this email in several tech forums and blogs, wherever I can so that people are aware of what they are signing up for. A negligent and ill trained customer care. Also I do not know what the possible reason could be for us not receiving the bills of the account any time till date after several requests being logged for this, the latest being.179233444.

Abhishek Dash B/o Abhijit Dash(Account Owner)”

I talked to a supervisor and I was told that no call logs exist from my number, now isnt that convenient to put a false request and serve the customer with a huge bill and then suspend the connection. Later this is bound to lead to calls from relaince legal department. I mean how much more explanation do you expect us to give.


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