Complaint related for the product netconnect dongle

Location/place: Ranchi,jharkhand

Name of company/service: Mobile and company store,Ranchi

Hii there…this is Anshu singh from ranchi jharkhand…..sir m uploading my complaint regarding the product which i had purchased from one of the retailer in my city..sir i had purchased product that is VODAFONE MODEM K770(K3770)..WITH IMEI: 911133701012087
SIM: 320B13158258
MDN: 8677892216
SIM NO.: H18991752263093069843……this is all the information regarding my product…..the problem is a particular vodafone sim has been attached with the dongle and retailer has promised that on activation of the sim i will get 5GB internet free for internet browsing for one month…..but after activation of the sim i was not able to access internet free for 5GB..when i talked to the retailer they don’t pay any kind of attention toward this problem….As a proof i am having that cash memo in which retailer has clearly written that after the activation of the sim i would be able to access internet for 5Gb for one month…….but actually it has not happened with me….please do something…m in a great trouble….pls contact me as soon as possible regarding this problem…

Some details has been given below:

Name: Anshu Singh
Contact No: 09955366143
Name of the shop: Mobile and computer store(A house of mobile and computer)
Address:– 5A,Ground floor,panchwati plaza,kutchery Road,ranchi(jharkhand)
Contact No:– 09304448673/09931071865

Anshu Singh


One response to “Complaint related for the product netconnect dongle”

  1. ankush kaul Avatar
    ankush kaul

    that is graet step taken bro, these companies are churning out money for the inocent people by doing the wrong commitments ,I am also registering the cpmlaint for reliance today only ,JAGO GRAHAK JAGO.

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