Complaint against ebay and iberry

My ebay paisapay ID:36525587435

Ebay complain No.540137

Iberry complain No.#587460

Iberry service center ELS Form


Ebay dealer Address: Kamaraj Kamaraj No.28/7,Vasa than Garden,MKB Nagar,Vyasarpadi Chennai -600039 TN



Iberry mobile Address: iberry India Building No : 4, Second Lane Beach, Chennai – 600 001

Helpline Number: 18001026242


Dear Sir
I buy Iberry N2 mobile from ebay on 08/06/2014 and I receive on 19/06/2014 but after one day the mobile giving charging and battery problem I complaint to ebay they give time to take action of this complain but after 4 to 5 days they send me the mail it is a technical problem so u give this mobile to Iberry service center I call again to ebay and I say after 2 days the mobile is giving problem so y I go to Iberry service center u have to change the mobile or refund the money but they say no its not possible and then I call to Iberry and tell the problem they send me the software update link I do that also but after that my camera is disabled and imei number is also invalid then I again mail to Iberry they tell to visit to near service center and show your mobile I show the mobile to near service center they see the mobile and charger and they say it is not original charger but I say I got this charger in box then they say i have to send this mobile to Iberry service center I say OK and I give it to 01/07/2014 and again I call to ebay above not sending me the original charger but they tell me to call our dealer I call them 2 to 3 time but they r giving me time only and not reply me after the I give the complain to national consumer helpline and I tell every think and they give me the complaint No.522419 and say to mail this complain number and your complaint again to ebay and Iberry and tell I giving u 15 days to solve my sproblem I send it to ebay dealer and Iberry.the Iberry is only taking time to send back my mobile but ebay dealer r not give me a single reply now u say what should I do I give so much 15990Rs how I arranged this money I know only after that also i am facing so much problem so plz help me some one I want only my mobile perfect and working condition

Nadeem Khan


4 responses to “Complaint against ebay and iberry”

  1. Alok Trivedi Avatar
    Alok Trivedi

    I too facing the same problem with ebay and iberry. i have given my phone to the service center on 4th of june and since then they have not returned my phone. Their customer care says that they will update in 2-3 working days and this is going on from last 1 month.
    Now i’m planning to file an FIR against ebay and iberry.

  2. Dear Nadeem,

    We have taken a note of your details and will get back to you with a resolution at the earliest.

    eBay India.

  3. Amul Kamdar Avatar
    Amul Kamdar

    Beware of fraud and cheater and cheap company will take-up your money and phone will never respond. If you want to waste your time money and energy then and then buy this company phone
    Date of Purchase on 7th Feb 2013
    This is second time phone is with company with the same time and same level of response look at to the level of response from company

    What responsible company is??? After 3 4 on 11.10.2014 and today 13.10.2014 calls to company there is response that they don’t know where my phone is??? It will take time to trace where my phone is ?? so what was the answer give meant for just to fool customer.. ??
    No justification. No Answer. No solution till today..

    Check out communication what a bagus response from the company
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 5:25am
    Dear sir

    I have aproched to service center for this problem.
    They have taken my request for new camera
    Service center ref no. RVSRN1407DVE00432 last month

    Science there is no response from service center. It is more then one month without any solution and any proper answer pl look it this matter to solve this problem

    Mon, Sep 1 2014 2:26pm – staff
    Dear amul kamdar,

    As per the update from the concerned team and as per your work order number, your product is pending in your local service center due to the required spare parts and we will keep you updated on the same.

    Best Regards,
    iberry India
    Customer Support
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 5:09pm
    what as ridicules answer

    pending due to required spare parts ?? that to after one month ???

    when can i expect problem to be resolve after 2 month or 3 months ???
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:44am
    No Meaning but still Reminder – 1
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 6:47am – staff
    Dear amul kamdar,

    As discussed over the phone, your product is pending in your local service center due to the required spare parts and we will keep you updated on the same.

    Best Regards,
    iberry India
    Customer Support
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 6:46am
    What do u mean by high priority ??? after more then month and that too not sure..

    keep it up
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 12:17pm
    This you high priority… No response till now. Grate job
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 2:25pm – staff
    Dear amul kamdar,

    As per the update from the concerned team, your product is pending in your local service center due to the required spare parts and we will update you the further status within 10 working days.

    Best Regards,
    iberry India
    Customer Support
    Wed, Oct 8 2014 4:44am
    With reference to this complain service center issued be another complain no and said the product will go to service center Ref..RVSRN1409DVE00217 that on 15-09-2014 it is all most 20days so it is all most 2 months and i have no update what should i do??
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 5:19am – staff
    Dear amul kamdar,

    As mentioned previously, your product is pending in your local service center due to the required spare parts and we will update you the further status within 10 working days.

    Best Regards,
    iberry India
    Customer Support
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 4:39am
    What a Ridiculous answer after 2.5 months there is nothing update. for half the time from date of purchase phone is with company without any update given to me… what a grate company ..

  4. Jagdish padia Avatar
    Jagdish padia

    Still now my compliant is not solved. I hope u understand my problem

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