Complaint against Tata AC Services franchasize ” The Vintage”

Location/place: Khirki Extn. Malviya Nagar New Delhi

Name of company/service: The Vintage

Hi, Complaint against the vendor ” The Vintage” I called at call centre on 25th May,2012 and lodge a complaint that my AC is not cooling.After an hour of cooling temp. shoots up.Complaint number was 12MY2606944.On 28th May I got a call from their authorized Service Franchise and he came to check my AC.He checked it for half an hour and said every thing is all right now.If you will get any problem do call me My name is Kasim and mobile number is 9990055862.He gave me slip and took Rs.350/- as AC checking charges.But soon after he left same problem rose again the temp. started shooting up.I again called him and the answer was I will come tomorrow.Next day I waited for him but he did not came.More than one week passed away and every time his answer was I am busy but i will come in an hour.But he didnot came than I called at his Service Station they told me I have to call Voltas Service Centre and it is their duty to send the Executive. On 12th Jun I called at your Call Centre with this request that I am not satisfied with your franchise ” THE VINTAGE” please dont send them.This time complaint number was 12JU1205671.On 15th two executive came to my house again from franchise The Vintage but thistime they told my wife we are senior executives and we know the fault.With out checking they opened the PCB box and told my wife this is fauly and we have to get it repaired from service centre and it will take three days.My wife called me and asked for it.I told her let me talk so one of the executive named Shoaib told me I am senior executive I have to take this part to my service station and it will be repaired with in three to four days.I said Ok.From 15 Jun,2012 till yesterday i had called them so many times but every time answer was your PCB is Ok and we will fix it in an hour.Then I called at this number 09810422140 written on invoice of the vendor.He simply said I donot know and switched off his mobile phone.( 25th Jun,2012 after 6.30PM) The VintageIn the maentime i called to your call centre but every time answer was we are sorry but we have forwarded your complaint on periorty basis ( This was your senior executive Mr.Ravi`s word on 26th Jun,2012 )and he gave me another complaint number 12ju2508080 but no body came to fix it up.Yesterday I again called up at your call centre and it was repeated answer we have forwarded your complaint on periorty basis.Yesterday evening at 7.00PM I went to Service Station one of the Guy Mr.Kapil told me you go we will be sending one of our executive to fix it today.So one of their executive Mr.Rizwan came at about 8.00 o`clock to fix it.He fixed it but same problem was their,he waited for an hour checked it and left with these words tomorrow senior Executive will Come. After waiting for so many days to get it repaired I found it was not repaired at all.He was asking for Rs.1250/- but i didnot paid him.I had suffered from 25th May 2012 to till date.I request you to please look into this matter on priority basis otherwise I have lodge a complaint against you ( For giving franchise to such Vendors ) and against the franchise.Two days has been passed & they are not repairing it but asking for money.
Note : Attaced all Service Report Invoices. Br Anil Fotedar 3 attachments — Download all attachments A.pdf 45K View Download B.pdf 48K View Download C.pdf 39K View Download BR// Anil Fotedar
Contact No: 9958212252
E-Mail Address: [email protected]


One response to “Complaint against Tata AC Services franchasize ” The Vintage””

  1. Anil Fotedar Avatar
    Anil Fotedar

    Dear Sir / Madam,
    I am very much disappointed with their service.I am suffering from 25th May,2012 to till date.I have suffered a lot.You are the best judge i belong to a middle class family.It is requested kindly take action.

    With best regards

    Anil Fotedar

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