Complaint against Bodyline Slimming and Beauty Centre Private Limited bangalore

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Bodyline Slimming and Beauty Centre Private Limited

I joined Bodyline Slimming and Beauty Centre Private Limited (Address:224, 2nd Floor, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore- 560076, Karnataka) for the weight loss woth Rs. 60,000 (Rupees Sixty thousand)(invoice number- 26912, 26120) on Mar 23, 2012. They said they have qualified doctors and their products have no side effects. They also claimed that it will not harm me in anyway and will help me reduce. One of their products is Lipo dissolve, in which they inject into the body some liquid to kill fat cells. From the first session onward I started feeling uneasy and swallon feeling.They said its normal and told to continue. The second time when I took the injections the situation became worst and my swelling in not at all coming down, moreover I started increasing weight. They asked to drink a minimum of 4 Liters of water daily, which worsend my condition. I already told them that, i ahve severe water retention in my body, but they said no problem. When my situation became bad, I consulted few doctors including a senior doctor at Fortis hospital and they asked to immediately stop the treatment as my body was reataing water and it will be harmfull for me if i continue the treatement with Bodyline. I told Bodyline that I have been suffering ever since i joined them, but they kept telling to take break and continue. More over they asked me to take more water which worsened my condition, and now from last many month, my health has deterioted, so much so, that it has stressed me to a level that it started affecting my work and now I have to resign from my job, because of my health.I spoke to them many times at their bannerghatta office and asked them to refund my money as i cannot take any further risk with my health, but they are very rude and say that take a break and start again ,eventough when the doctor has clearly told that it will effect my health. They dont have
proper qualified doctor and they refuse to refund the money.


One response to “Complaint against Bodyline Slimming and Beauty Centre Private Limited bangalore”

  1. srishaila Avatar

    Please contact me , since i am taking action against the company both in consumer court and also on criminal side , for cheating under section 420 of ipc,

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