Claim on company for enternal fraud

Location/place: VARANASI

Name of company/service: vODAFONE

Hello sir,

Mobile No. 8795100001
SIM No. 89911500028144841572
Customer Name. Vishwas Jaiswal
Activation Date In Postpaid. 25-Feb-11
Activation Date In Prepaid. 6-Aug-11

This is to inform you that I have taken a Vodafone postpaid number 8795100001 on the name of Vishwas Jaiswal on dated 25-Feb-11 and then I migrate this number into prepaid on 6-Aug-12 on my own ID and address proof. All required documents have already been furnished by me to the company as it can also be checked in company records and tools.
On 20-May-12 I found that my number is not in the working condition as it was showing “No Network”. To resolve this issue I visited at the Vodafone Store Kamachcha Varanasi and then I got to know that my number has been replaced by someone else without any information by illegal way or may be the help of any internal Vodafone employee. Then immediately I lodged a complaint there to resolve this issue but still I have not got any resolution.
Being a consumer I request you to please help me to get the answers of the following Question:
1) How can a company leak the identity of any subscriber to anybody else?
2) How can a running number being replaced and profile being changed?
3) Who will take responsibility for all the problems which I am facing?

Being an customer I need compensation of Rs.100000 with my number regarding the loss of my image as all the contactable people of that number are raising question to me.


One response to “Claim on company for enternal fraud”

  1. Hello Vishwas,

    Please share your current and alternate contact numbers here so that we can assist you soon.

    Vodafone Customer Care, Uttar Pradesh(East).

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