Location/place: Gandhinagar
Name of company/service: Times Jobs
With due respect I want to inform you that on 5th june i first got a call from one of times jobs agent named “Ankur” from no. 1409430129, informing me about a vacancy in Reliance Telecom with a min package of 4.3 L p.a. He told me that i will get call from Reliance if i purchase your Resume Zapper premium Service @ Rs 2949. But immediately after purchasing that service with Order No.RZ738398 , another agent named “Mandeep” picked up the call and told me to purchase Career Astro service @ Rs 6149. I dont want it but he told me that if i dont purchase that order than the previous order is of no use and to get call from reliance telecom i need to purchse that order.Besides he also falsely assured me that with this new pack i will get resume writing service and my modified resume will be sent to my mail.So,i purchased Carrer Astro pack also with Order No. SP738496.
But after 2 days from another agent i came to know the truth, that there was no such assured vacancy in Reliance Telecom, nor i was going to get any resume writing service as told by mandeep. All those promises were totally fake, that i have already recorded.
When i complained and contacted them regarding this, they refuged to accept their false promises, to keep their promises and also denied to refund the amount. I am very much disturbed morally for their act. Kindly help me in this regard to get back the refund. I can povide you the call recordings if required.
Times jobs details:
email id:[email protected]
[email protected]
contact no:01206133000
Thanking you,
Bibekananda Dutta.
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