Location/place: NOIDA

Name of company/service: YEBHI.COM

Dear Sir,

Please refer the SR No. CC12061158585 (complaint number) vide which I have raised the following to yebhi.com for their attention & necessary action:

1. I have yatra yebhi code which I can use for two purchases of Rs.500.00 each. Two discounts worth Rs 500 each will be given per booking as per the terms & conditions.
2. As per the terms & conditions of the redemption of the code as visible on yatra yebhi website, a minimum purchase of Rs. 1000 on http://yatra.yebhi.com is mandatory to avail this offer.
3. I have already used it once vide order no. YAT1878933.
4. I tried placing the second order with application of the code vide order number YAT1878515 which was later on not confirmed and no payment was made against this order.
5. The above action was taken in desperation as your site was not working properly and as informed by customer care, the system is still in updation and is very slow.
6. As I have not confirmed order number YAT1878515, I have not availed the benefit of the code which I am entitled to.
7. I have not made the second purchase and desire to do so by cancellation of order number YAT1878515 and placing order for Puma T shirts.
8. Your system is not allowing me to cancel the order and the subsequent help through customer care also could not yield the desired result.
9. I need cancellation of this order and allowance of the code second time which shall yield into a purchase of minimum amount of Rs.1000.00

I wrote my complaint to them vide e-mail dated 08.06.12 & 11.06.12. I did talk to them but has not yielded even a call from their side. I again request yebhi.com to look into this and help me to avail the second time benefit of the discount code.

I solicit an early resolution of the above against satisfaction to the customer in righteous way.


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