Location/place: SURAT
Name of company/service: LIC OF INDIA
Hello Sir/Madam,
I had bought Nissan Sunny XL on 9th June, 2012 from Silicon Nissan, Udhana, Surat. They told me that RTO charge would be 51871 Rupees. So but when I got receipt, it was for 43259 Rupees. When I asked about extra 8612, they said it is service charge. Nobody is charging that much as service charge for RTO, it is maximum 1500 in whole city. I talked up to GM & CEO at Nissan Silicon but did not get any satisfactory answer. I felt I am cheated and very disappointed because it is through sales channel of reputed company like Nissan. I am sure you will intervene in the matter and do the needful.
Vehicle NO: GJ 05 CJ 5817
Date of Purchase: 09/06/2012
Km Of Car: 0993 KM
VIN No of the Vehicle: MDHBDAN17C4011760
Thanks in advance.
Nilesh Antala
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