Location/place: Coimbatore
Name of company/service: Goindiabuyer
I have received a callfrom 0114067806 on 7.06.2013 stating that my icici credit card limit has been enhanced and the person name is Arun,healso generated one time password and request to confirm the 3D secure for ivr transaction to the customer service as I am not using the online transaction isimply ignore the messsage.But all of a sudden on 13.06.2013I received the call from the same number and stated the after upgradation Ihave also provided with gift laptap tablet and GIFT Vouchers and after confirming the mailing addresses from aphone number01149858300 they debited an amount of Rs.12999.00 from my credit card. They are in the habit of cheating by selecting the regular and prompt payers customers. So please retreive the amount from the company. As I am not in need of gifts.
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