Cheated by Tata Docomo CDMA services

Location/place: Pune

Name of company/service: Tata Docomo

I,Nilanjan, did recharge of rs 95(unlimited calling to two onnet number for 30days) to my mobile no 9209525330(Docomo CDMA) on 10/07/2012 at 9.02 pm through tata docomo site(net banking).

I got message from TataDocomo stating that Recharge succesfull,Transaction ID:1095665425.But when i contact tata docomo customer care, they told me that recharge did not happen at all,we donot have any records,and closed my complained two times,i have all the proofs(the message from tata docomo,which clearly shows that recharge was succesfull).this drama is continuing since 11th of july,i called them 15to20 times,but now i am really helpless,still not get back my money.

Please help me

Thanks and regards
Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay


One response to “Cheated by Tata Docomo CDMA services”

  1. Tata Docomo Avatar
    Tata Docomo

    Dear Nilanjan,

    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

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