Cashback and EMI offers

Location/place: Mumbai

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I bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 from flipkart as on 15th April 2013 with 15% cashback and 12 zero fee EMI offer the day it was published on flipkart’s website. My order page shows the offer details. After 3-4 days of transaction when I checked EMI status with ICICI bank, they informed me verbally that the offer was valid from 17th April and not from 15th April so I was not eligible for EMI. Later they accepted that the offer was valid on 15th as well but no EMI process had been initiated by Flipkart. I have been following up with flipkart for the last 12 working days as my credit card last bill payment date is coming in next 5 days. When I contacted flipkart, they once admitted some technical error on their side but still they are asking me contact bank only for EMI conversion when this is the case of Merchant EMI. As per bank flipkar is responsible for EMI conversion and not bank.

Bank says this offer is by flipkart and flipkart says this offer is by Samsung and ICICI bank.

My transaction is yet to get converted into EMIs and till now I have spend lot of time and money on calls to flipkart and ICICI Bank.


One response to “Cashback and EMI offers”

  1. Same problem for me.. Bought Samsung Galaxy Tab2 and Emi was converted and later was reversed. Got a mail from Flipkart, stating there was an issue in converting EMI and asked me to pay only the first instalment, rather than the whole payment. I did the same, but in the next CC statement, i have received interest and no amount was converted into EMI. When contacted Flipkart, they said interest is not because of Flipkart and asked me to liaise with bank. When contacted bank, they are saying the interest is because of non conversion of EMI.
    Again when contacted Flipkart, now they are asking a letter from bank stating interest is due to non conversion of EMI. I have requested my bank and waiting for their reply.
    My problem is my CC payment date is 28th of this month. If i didnt pay the full amount they will charge interest again for the outstanding amount.
    I am yet to receive my cash back of 15%.
    Ridiculous service from Flipkart..

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