Location/place: Dahisar(west),Mumbai 400 068

Name of company/service: MARUTI SUZUKI

We purchased the RITZ car in December 2009 .I drove every day about 25 Km .10 Days back I tried to start the car ,but car could not start .I lodge a complaint with ON ROAD ‘service .Technician came &done some repairs.Car started .However again yesterday i.e 16/1/11,I could not start the car even after ignition .I again lodge a complaint no 428144 to ON ROAD MARUTI Service.Technician came & checked the car .He could not repair the car &adviced to take it to authorised service center .Since car could not be driven ,I took it through Flat towing vehicle .They charge me Rs2200/- to take it to Spectra ,Borivali (west).
Our car is under warranty .Even the third free service was due .
Today when we got the car from Spectra after repairs ,they informed us that car was not started because throtle body was choked up .
We are a loyal customer of Maruti since last 16 years .We never found such problem in the past with our earlier vehicle .Why such issue came up with NEW CAR which is under warranty ? Why we have to pay Rs 2200 AS TOWING CHARGES when there is no fault of ours ?
We therefore request you to kindly reimburse Rs 2200 FOR UNDERSIGNED AS IT WAS NOT OUR FAULT .We expect the company of international reputation should closely look into such issues .We would further request you ,kindly respond to our request & inform us how we will get the reimbursement of towing charges ?
Thanks ,
Yours faithfully ,


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